About the exhibition

The exhibition was prepared by the National Education Office of the Institute of National Remembrance. Its theme is Poland's struggle for its borders in the years 1918-1921.

– The efforts of Poles- both soldiers, volunteers and diplomats in establishing the borders of reborn Poland were presented on 19 boards . Among other things, the exhibition addresses issues related to the defense of Lwów, the Uprisings of :Wielkopolska, Silesia, and the less known Sejny Uprising. A lot of space was also devoted to the most important and decisive for the fate of the young state- war against the Bolsheviks - says the Director of the National Education Office of the IPN Adam Hlebowicz.

– The artistic form of the exhibition is also interesting-it refers to the latest production of the Institute- the prequel of the "Invincible" entitled "Trying Times" ,which will soon be shown_- he adds.

„Either it will be great or it will not exist at all" - the words of Marshal Józef Piłsudski, opening the exhibition reflect exactly what the struggle for Polish borders in the years 1918-1921 really meant for Poles. After regaining independence, it was time for difficult decisions and trials for the Polish nation. The struggle was not only about the shape of a particular border or belonging to a given region, but above all about the spirit of Polish statehood.